Define Sizing | Objects of Sizing | Technique of sizing | Size Ingredients

 Define Sizing | Objects of Sizing | Technique of sizing | Size Ingredients 

                                     What is the sizing?

 Sizing is a process in which adhesive paste is prepared by mixing with water and applied to the yarn.

The object of sizing:-
  • To Improve the wave ability of for yarn by making it more resistant to the action of using like friction tension etc.
  • To maintain good fabric quality by reducing heron's weakness in yarn.
  • The tensile strength of yarn is increased by sizing.
  • The elasticity of the yarn is also increased.
  • Wedding size material and weight are increased.
  • To increase the yarn friction resistance.
Sizing ingredients used in the sizing process:-
  • Adhesive
  • Lubricants or Softener
  • Antiseptic or Anti-Mildew Agent
  • Wetting Agent
  • Anti Foaming Agent
  • Tinting Agent
  • Weighting Agent
The technique is used for sizing:-

There are three-technique followed in sizing depending upon the quality of warp required for weaving.

  1. Hank sizing
  2. Slasher or Tape sizing
  3. Bail warp sizing
1. Hank sizing:-
  • Small manufacturers in remote rural places are generally used hank size process.
  • After sizing the size hanks are shaken, stretch and brushed in order to achieve through and uniform distribution of size.
  • This process gives very low production.

2. Slasher sizing:-
  • It is the process of assembling desire number of warp threads in a continuous sheet.
  • In this Sizing drying and beaming is in the stage.
  • This method is one universal method followed for large production.

3. Ball -Warp sizing:-
  • In this method, the warp in the form of loose rope is immersed through the size paste.
  • Sizing, drying, beaming are separately done in three stages so there is a scope for penetration of size into the yarn.
  • Since the winding is done separately after some time of drying, the yarn has enough time to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. This gives the mellow feel to the yarn.
  • Also, there is a little tension on yarn during sizing and drying, which prevent the extensibility of yarn

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